We have have a time in life when everything bad that could happen did happen. Right now, I am in this period. I have a lot of problems that are slowly crushing my shoulders with no real solution in sight. Thus this is why I decided to capture an appliance isle in a hardware store. It repersents the coldness of life through lifeless objects surrounded by steel. I feel a certain coldness from this shot like a few other of my photos. 

When life is cold, you can’t give up. Instead of sitting on my ass, I’m changing for the better. Going through self development and discovery while tackling each of my problems one at at ime. There are moments where I crash but I set up motivational objects all around me. My wallpaper for my Cellphone is a motivatonal quote, my tablet is the same as is my ps4. I have photos of my own hanging on my wall to remind me of my artistic goals. No where in my room or life can I be without being reminded of what I am suppose to be doing and why. You may slip but get up. If there is a wall, smash through the wall. It’s all a journey, so its not going to take a day to fully change but it all starts with one step one change. One simple change can lead to more small changes that end up becoming a big change. 

Baby steps turn into giant strides,


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